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Service Times

Our Sunday Services starts at 10:30am till approximately 12.00pm.  We share a light lunch after.



We Pray for 30 minutes before each service from 10.00am to welcome in The Presence of God and to Engage with Jesus Through The Holy Spirit. This is open to anyone who feels led by The Lord to Come and Pray.  


We also meet to Worship and Pray every Wednesday from 6.30pm at Wellard Community Church to Connect with

One Another, To Pray for Revival in our community and for any other plans and purposes of Our King, Jesus.

This is open to All Church family as well as other Church family external to Wellard Community Church.  

We feel strongly that Unity within the Whole Body of Christ is very important and Brings a Blessing to our wider Community.


"For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also  is  Christ."

1: Corinthians 12:12



We Praise and Worship Our King of Kings for approximately 30 minutes before The Word of God is shared.  Children are invited to attend and after Communion they are released to the Children's Church. ​Worship can sometimes be extended due to a move of The Holy Spirit.


Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises. Psalm 98:4


The Word of God

We share The Living Word of God from "The Bible" as led by The Holy Spirit. Ministry is always offered to all attending the service after The Word of God has been shared.  We generally finish with a worship song to release further anointing over the church family and complete with praising our Lord Jesus.



We have shared light luch at the completion of the service which is always a great time to either meet new people or hear about our church family's week.


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